My topic is obesity.
Obesity is a particularly serious issue with regard to children and adolescents.  Governments are trying to take form on bans to trans fats.  They are also trying to require nutrional info on restaurante menus and put warnings next to the most fattening foods.  Sales tax on cerrtain fattening items such as soft drinks is an idea known as "fat tax", but critics say they are arbitary and disproportionately affecting poorer people.  Critics are also saying the government is going to far by intruding others' personal lives.  Critics say people can be overweight and still be healthy; what people eat is a matter of personal choice.  They also say ads of food toward children are bad because a young child's eating habits are from their parents.

Works Cited:
"Update: Obesity." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 22 June 2007. Web. 28 June 2010.