Pro side: Supporters of juvenile death penalty say that the punishment should be based on not the age of the person but the severity of the crime.  Whatever was done could not be changed by the age of the person.  For example, Patricia Baeuerlen was murdered by a 16-year-old boy.  Patricia was begging for her life, explaining that she has kids, but he killed her anyway.  Supporters say it isn't "cruel and unusual" to give him the death penalty.  The only "cruel and unusual" thing was the brutality of the murder.

Con side: Critics say that because of juveniles' brains are not yet fully developed and are less mature than one of an adult, they shouldn't be punished like an adult.  Critics also point out that society generally recognizes the lack of maturity in juveniles by setting age limits for voting, driving, and other things.  Critics also point out that the human brain continues to develope in the 20s.

Work Cited:
"Juvenile Death Penalty." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News Services, 15 July 2009. Web. 28 June 2010. <>.


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