My issue is animal testing.  Every year, over 30 million animals are tested.  Cats, dogs, monkeys, hamsters, and many more animals are tested and hurt in the process.

Pro-side: Animal testing is a huge step in the development of new medical technology.  Many scientific breakthroughs resulted directly from animal testing and  many new vaccines & surgical procedures have been directly obtained from testing on animals.  New medical procedures require animal testing before human testing could be permitted.

Con-side: Animal testing is cruel and painful to the animals that are being tested.  Almost every animal that is tested gets killed.  Many animals suffer.  63% of animals tested, experience momentary pain and suffering, 29% of animals tested are given some sort of pain killer, and 7% are given no painkillers so they suffer a lot of pain.  Much of the data collected from animal testing isn't reliable because the experiments are often carried out in stressful environments.

Works Cited
"Update: Animal Testing." Issues & Controversies On File: n. pag. Issues & Controversies. Facts On File News
     Services, 31 Mar 2006. Web. 28 June 2010. <>.


    June 2010



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